Sorry for the delay fans. Its the end of the semester for me, and I had so much work to do this week and next, so I will blogging on some redskins stuff over the next two weeks or so until I done with finals. But I wanna touch in on the Redskins minicamp this weekend. The team will hold minicamp tomorrow through Sunday. The team usually has aout 80 to 100 players showing up. But unlike in years past, the team will have astounding 113 players at Redskin Park this weekend.
"The Redskins, I am told, may have 113 players at their three-day mini-camp that begins today at Redskins Park. That's quite a crowd and a number has some coaches scratching their heads. All veterans will attend (although some who are recovering from injuries will not participate), plus the rookies and a bunch of non-roster invitees.
In the past when the Redskins have put so many groups of players together it has made it more difficult for coaches to evaluate all that is going on. Several coaches have raised injury concerns, as well, with primo players sharing a practice field with guys who soon will be working for UPS. Given the fact there are still holes on this team, there's a need to keep looking at players, but it will be interesting to see what comes of this. When the numbers have topped 100 in the past, those here for a tryout generally left feeling like they got so few reps that they never had a shot. In most cases they don't have a shot, anyway."
Wow, I know the rookies, draftees, veterans, and undrafted free agents will be there. But 113 players? Well, the coaches, trainers, and scouts are gonna have major headaches. Anyway, this year's minicamp looks very mindboggling if this actually happens.
Skins to Have Minicamp Population Explosion
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